Gestalt Language Processors

Gestalt Language Processors

What is Gestalt Language Processing (Echolalia / Scripting)? How can I identify if my child is a Gestalt Language Processor? Gestalt language processing refers to a natural approach to language acquisition. Approximately 85% of autistic children learn language through this method, which involves progressing from repeating phrases they hear (such as song lyrics, catchy expressions, or lines from movies) to utilizing more original and spontaneous language. While some children effortlessly navigate through the stages of language development, others may encounter challenges in advancing beyond the early stages. Our objective is to provide the necessary support for your child to progress through these stages and eventually engage in self-generated, novel language

Your child might exhibit characteristics of a gestalt language processor if they:

  • Repeat lines from movies and TV shows.

  • Utilize a rich melody and intonation when speaking, even if the words may not be clear.

  • Appear to be "stuck" using single words.

  • Haven't started speaking yet but engage in rhythmic singing or humming.

  • Employ a limited repertoire of words and phrases, often repeating them in the same manner consistently.

  • Make pronoun "errors" or frequently communicate in the third person.

  • Encounter difficulty when responding to questions.

My Approach to Supporting Children on the Autism Spectrum and Their Families

We recognize that autism is a unique neurotype and a valid expression of human

diversity. As a practice that embraces neurodiversity, we deeply respect and honor the

individual interests, sensory preferences, and play styles of each child while fostering

their communication skills. Our speech therapy sessions are designed to be child-led,

placing emphasis on play and encompassing various activities such as:

  • Engaging in motor movement activities

  • Incorporating sensory regulation activities

  • Encouraging involvement in special interest activities

  • Incorporating games and toy play

  • Check out our TALK YOGA groups!

By acknowledging and affirming your child's echolalia and scripting tendencies, and by modeling new language during play, we can assist them in expressing their desires, needs, and ideas. Our ultimate objective is to intentionally guide them through the stages of Natural Language Acquisition (NLA) until they can confidently communicate in their own words, conveying precisely what they wish to express